Tony and Heather Niccoli of Moscow, Idaho, are the proud publishers of Home & Harvest Magazine. They also own Little Shop of Florals located in Downtown Moscow. I’m honored to write for such a dynamic, energetic couple who shows a deep devotion to everything they encounter. If you’re in the Moscow region, please find a copy of the magazine; you will never be disappointed. The caliber of writers and incredible graphic design talent of Heather’s make this a publication that could compete with any magazine on the shelf at Barnes & Noble. I’ll post my articles here, and if you can’t get a copy locally, contact Tony and Heather at 208-596-5400 and maybe they can ship you your very own copy. ENJOY!
July/August 2020 Issue – The Oh, Otis! Shenanigans, Episode 2: A Hole in the Tub is Worth Two in the Bush. Otis is back, celebrating the 4th of July and all things that go boom!
May/June 2020 Issue – Give It A Shot! I take a look back to look forward regarding COVID-19.
March/April 2020 Issue – The Oh, Otis! Shenanigans, Episode 1: Praying for the Mantis. Meet Otis Swan, a busy farm kid in the 1970s.
January/February 2020 Issue – A Lightbulb Moment. All I wanted was a stupid lightbulb.
November/December 2019 Issue – The Button Boxes. An in-depth look into my publishing journey for my first novel, THE BUTTON BOXES. Holiday Moon. Take a peek inside the Annual Christmas Pageant at Mountain Home Grange.
September/October 2019 Issue – Harvest. Let me share my love of harvest, the most amazing time of the year.
July/August 2019 Issue – Smoke Signals, Part II. Find out the ending of Kit and Tom’s story and what happened to Rose.
From the May/June 2019 Issue – Smoke Signals, Part I. A fictional story about a young couple who purchase an old farmhouse and realize they’re not the only ones living there.
March/April 2019 Issue – A Rock and A Happy Place. My stroll down memory lane about picking up rocks during spring work on the farm when I was a kid.